“NO ONE can do everything, but EVERYONE can do something.”
Altar Guild
Individuals are assigned to certain weekends to put coverings on the altar, take care of candles, place flowers, etc. There are also opportunities to prepare the altar for weddings, etc. Special church holidays also require extra help.
Contact: Judy Loar Scott
Church Office
Volunteer opportunities in the church office are available on a weekly, monthly, or whenever-you-can basis. Duties include collating bulletins and newsletters, filing, preparing mailings, and other general office jobs.
Contact: Kathy Kluka – Church Secretary 410-747-1886
Communion Stewards
Communion stewards serve in “teams of two” to set-up and clean-up the communion elements a few times a year.
Contact: Glenda Henkel
Shepherding Teams
Teams to provide meals, funeral lunches, cards, calls for our congregation.
Contact: CUMC Office 410-747-1886
American Red Cross Blood Drives
Scheduled throughout the year
Contact: Janice Barber
Baltimore County Christian Workcamp
Local Volunteers in Mission Project around Baltimore County
Contact: CUMC Office 410-747-1886
Catonsville Emergency Assistance
A food collection ministry for those in need in our area
Contact: Pat Smidt 410-747-1886
Guatemala VIM Trips
Contact: CUMC Office 410-747-1886