Sermons on Matthew

Sermons on Matthew

January 26, 2019 – What’s Your Net Worth?

A sermon on Matthew 4:12-23 When I was 11 years old, I had an experience that I’ll never forget. One school night, my sister and I hopped in the car with my Dad and drove to DC. He took us down to the old Executive office building, where we were met by a white house staffer that was a relative of my Dad’s coworker. He led us through the security there, and then through a tunnel. The next thing I…

December 8, 2019 – Emptied / Squeezed

A Sermon on Matthew 3:1-12 We’re getting closer to Christmas and folks are starting to get more into the Christmas spirit. I’ve started getting Christmas cards from friends who live in other states. The Christmas parties are starting, too, which brings a great time to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones.  Have you ever noticed at parties that, most of the time, one person will emerge to be the one who really stirs up interesting conversation. Maybe…

December 1, 2019 – Awakening

It’s wonderful to walk into church this morning and see the halls and sanctuary decked out, getting ready for Christmas. I was actually surprised to see it this morning, and so I’m so thankful for those that did it. Today, however, is the first Sunday of Advent, which is more than the season leading up to Christmas. The lectionary readings will remind us of this over the next few weeks.  The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word for “coming.”…