Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir provides worship leadership at the Sunday morning worship services September through May.

The choir’s responsibility is to lead congregational singing and provide inspirational anthems of prayer, praise, and devotion. In addition to singing at Sunday morning worship services, the Chancel Choir also prepares larger choral works with a variety of instrumental ensembles.
New members are always welcome!
A typical Anthem, sung November 10, 2024 – Is He Worthy?
Choir Rehearsals: Thursday, 7:30-9:00 p.m. (Room 209)
Contact: Donald Fries – Director of Music 410-747-1886
JOY Choir
The JOY Choir (Jesus, Others, & You) is open to children age 3 and up. Teens and singing leaders are encouraged. They sing at the Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. worship service once a month. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings in Room 206 at 11:00-11:30am.

JOY Choir performance on 11/24/2024 – This Little Light of Mine
Contact: Nancy Womble at
Small vocal group from the Senior Choir that performs at various venues and are CUMC’s musical ambassadors.
CUMCwhats’ performance on 12/29/2024: Comfort and Joy and Joy To the World
CUMCwhats’ performance on 12/24/2024: On a Starry Night
CUMCwhats’ performance on 11/10/2024: Beautiful Savior
Contact: Jan Strevig;
Möller Pipe Organ