Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It’s true! Our Administrative Council has unanimously affirmed the recommendation of our Re-Entry/COVID Task Force. Two years to the day after we began to shut down church activities due to COVID, masks are now (mostly) optional at CUMC. We’re very thankful for this reprieve, and I know you all will join with me in praying that it would be the beginning of the end. Please don’t burn your mask yet, though! Currently, the CDC categorizes Baltimore County at a “low community level.” Should that level increase, we will all need to wear masks again. We ask that you please stay home if you experiencing any cold or COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of COVID vaccination or test status.
Whether you decide to wear a mask in the church building or not, please show love and respect for those who make a different decision.
Now for some additional information and caveats:
- Worship
- Two seating areas will be designated as “Mask Zones,” one near the front of the sanctuary and one in the rear of the sanctuary. Please only sit in these areas if you agree to wear a mask throughout the worship service.
- Our Ushers will continue to wear masks while greeting and taking the offering.
- We will continue to practice social distancing.
- Sunday School
- Masks continue to be mandatory for anyone over 2 years old in the Nursery or Pre-K areas.
- Masks are optional for K-12 classes.
- Our teachers will continue to wear masks through Easter. We will reassess this after Easter.
- Social Hall
- Dining events are permitted, but tables will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. Food preparers and servers must be masked. No buffets are permitted at this time. Event organizers should anticipate that there may be small groups or solo people who want to have their own seating.
- Events without tables for dining are limited to 100 persons. Masks are optional when there are fewer than 50 people in the hall. If there are between 50-100 people, masks are mandatory.
- Youth and Scouting Activities
- Masking is optional at church activities, except Social Hall activities described above. Masks are mandatory while in vehicles traveling as a group off-site. Rapid COVID tests will be required immediately before leaving for overnight activities.
- For Outside Groups Meeting in the Church
- See Social Hall requirements and other caveats above, as applicable. We recommend social distancing, ventilation, and making use of air purifiers, where possible.
- Other notes:
- We recommend that elevator users wear a mask while on the elevator.
If you have questions about any of this, you’re welcome to reach out to
On behalf of your church, thank you for your faithfulness and patience as we’ve navigated through a very difficult season in our life together. May God be glorified as we enter into a new season!
Yours & His,
Pastor David