

Our vision statement says that we seek to be “empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples.” Here are some resources that we’ve found helpful for Spirit-empowered disciple-making.

Discovery Groups

Discovery Groups use a simple method for both believers and non-believers to read, obey and share God’s Word.  Discovery Groups don’t rely on a human leader to be the “expert” with all the answers. Anyone—even kids—can facilitate a group using the format provided here. The real leader and teacher is the Holy Spirit, who “will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).

Looking Back: Start by going around the group and asking each person to share (answering in sentences not paragraphs):

  1. What are you thankful for?
  2. What are you stressed about?
  3. Is there anything we can do to help each other?

After Week 1, invite someone to retell the Scripture passage from the previous week. Then ask each person how they did with their “I will” and “share” commitments (see Looking Forward).

Looking Up:  Each week, have two people read the Scripture passage (in different translations, if possible) and have each group member retell it in their own words, as if they were telling a friend. Then discuss— and discover— the following:

  1. What does this passage teach us about God?
  2. What does this passage teach us about people (including ourselves)?

Looking Forward:  These two accountability questions are the key to making disciples who multiply disciples. The group moves on to a new scripture passage only if a majority of members have followed through on these commitments.

  1. What will you do this week in response to this passage? (start your answer with “I will”)
  2. Who will you share with this week?

Planning for next time:

  • When are we meeting again? Who will facilitate the next meeting?

Resources: The Waha App provides many sequences of scripture readings to use.

Conversation Quadrants

Prayer Calendar


Not everyone wants to come into a church. For those people the above tools will be most helpful. But for those that are willing to come into a church, or perhaps into your home, if you’re willing to host, Alpha can be an amazing disciple-making tool.

Visit our Alpha page for more information.

The Warm Welcome Lunch for Wednesday, 2/12/2025 had been cancelled due to inclement weather.  Please join us next week on Wednesday, 2/19/2025, from 11:30 to 1:00, for a free warm meal and a welcoming smile!