

Please contact the church office at 410-747-1886 if you would like to reach out to a committee chair.

Architecture, Construction, Design (ACD)
Where and when change is necessary, this committee provides an orderly process that solves the issues and meets the expectations. Responsibilities range from color selection, to upgrades, to remodeling, to alterations and additions. Groups are formed as projects are developed; typically 5 meetings per year.
Contact: Caitlin Millar

Administrative Board
Meets second Tuesday of January, March, May, September & November
7:00 p.m. in Room 211
Contact Chairperson: Phil Bowman, 

Children’s Ministries
Plans and implements various programs and events for children
Contact: Misty Troll,

Family Ministries
Family Ministries strive to offer a variety of activities for the Church family that allow us to enjoy fellowship and fun together. Events are typically held on Sunday afternoons or weekends. Activities are designed to appeal to people of all ages and types of family groups – from those with young children to empty nesters and inter-generational groups.
Activities include:
Hiking – Camping – Biking – Rally Day Picnic – West River Retreat – Family Advent Event
Contacts: Jillian Mosier

Finance Committee
Oversees various financial aspects of the church
Contact: Scott Ensor 

Missions Committee
Oversees various mission events and programs
Contact: Chriss Skokos

Music Committee
Oversees various music concerns within the church
Contact: Donald Fries 

Property Committee
Mission Statement: To provide a safe and healthy facility to all that use Catonsville United Methodist Church buildings to study, learn, and fellowship with fellow Christians.
Contact: John Pendleton for questions, suggestions, or to attend committee meetings. All are welcome

Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Oversees staff and meets as needed
Contact: Mary Coates

Stewardship Committee
Oversees stewardship education and the annual pledge campaign
Contact: Jennifer Parker

Worship Committee
The Worship Committee has several active groups, associated as ex-officio members. If you would like to serve in one of the following areas, please see information titled:
Altar Guild
Communion Stewards

Youth Ministry
Plans and implements various programs and events for youth
Contact:   Julia Hurlock

Our church offers a nursery for children ages infant to 3 years old for both the 8:30 and 10:00 Sunday services.  The staff and volunteers are Safe Sanctuary certified, and are also certified in CPR and First Aid.  Visit our Nursery page here.